Dec 30, 2015

some sorted stuff's..

#methLab.etpro (2005-2015) overview/description 
[ ]
imaFieldop.blogspot ( )
CrossFireGroup ( )
™[##]download-DIR [ ] !!!


Enemy territory Full Installer
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.60b (no updates needed after install) [ 253.39 MB]
#All files needed to play will be installed without any manual involvement.
Harlekins ET 2.60B Installer ( 253 MB) 
ET Ultimate Installer - ETUI (
#It is especially made for all the people who want to (re)install ET easily [ 338.8 MB]
Enemy Territory 2.60B Linux Full Installer (with ETKEY and PB)
#( ./ will paste the full-content into the current working directory)
et260b.x86_Full [ 262.88 MB]

ETPro Trickjmp (.#j2h)

image: 10858480_738738886215917_265690308134828012_n
image: craigLe

ETPro Trickjmp sponsored by splatterLadder!!!
Server is currently running the, (Jan - 2015)
so yer able to vote for rtcwMaps (TJ) see !findmaps RTCW
anyway if you up for some serious j0mp join-up and grab a seat,
connect;cl_allowdownload 1
reporting any issues is highly appreciated,
thanks and gud luck

image: 759888